Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Easter basket-Works for Me Wednesday

This Easter, I resolved not to buy anything Made in China, especially after reading this:

"Thirteen of 45 items purchased off store shelves and tested by Ashland University chemistry students had paint made with lead, according to Jeffrey D. Weidenhamer, who has made the toy testing an annual spring rite for his students.

Lead, a highly toxic element, can cause severe nerve damage, especially in children.

Two years ago Weidenhamer and his students produced a low-profile study showing many common toys and trinkets, most made in China, had hazardous lead levels. The next round of testing last year got more attention as the issue of tainted Chinese products including toys, pet food and toothpaste made headlines.

"It certainly demonstrates that the problem is still there," Weidenhamer said.

At Ashland, the biggest lead hazards were found in Easter egg spinning tops, plastic Easter eggs that typically are filled at home with treats, bunny hair clips and chick-style sipper cups _ all exceeding the government paint standard of 0.06 percent lead content...."

That's pretty scary. This year, for my granddaughter, I dug out an old lonesome wicker basket, shredded up some comic pages from the Sunday newspaper, and filled it with candy made in the U.S., Canada, and Switzerland. Also a coloring and activity book made in the U.S., and (not shown) a kite and some untreated flower and vegetable seeds to start a child's garden. (She's almost 5.) The Lindt candies were pretty cute (I'm thinking they will look pretty cute out of the box. I didn't take them out of the package yet.) Some of it was Hershey chocolate too, made in PA. She should be happy, as she told me she was hoping the Easter bunny would bring her candy. Check out the Hershey link, they have free stickers and tags and activities you can print out.

It was sad going Easter shopping, because there wasn't much that I could find that wasn't made in China. Sigh. I'm determined though, to avoid it whenever possible. And I'm hoping you will too!

Also, buy local if you can. In Syracuse, there is Hercules Candy Company.

Be sure to click on the Works for me Wednesday to visit Shannon at Rocks in My Dryer and see all the other blogs participating!

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