Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Works for Me Wednesday

The NYS DEC is one of my favorite websites. They have a lot of good information. Here are some free printable award-winning posters from the NYS DEC. They are in .pdf files and the Department of Environmental Conservation encourages you to download them. It's fun for kids and there are some of animal tracks. You can use this and go out looking for animal tracks with your kids. Here is a poster of Bears! Check out butterflies and moths, backyard bugs, common spiders, (some good educational information too) deer, and more.

The education page has links for kids to learn all about the environment and has a lot of great links too. Learn about endangered species, mining, watersheds, ozone, pollution. This page is filled with all kinds of environmental learning!

They also have free fishing clinics, one of which was last Sunday at the Falcon's Club in Auburn. It was a free kids fishing derby and all the kids went home with something. (The fish were thrown back!) My granddaughter and nephews had loads of fun! There are more coming up, so check out the schedule for one near you. Here are some pictures from that day. They had water balloon tosses, candy throws, tug of wars, and prizes for all the kids. They (Falcon's Club) were looking for a couple more kids to sponsor to go to DEC camps for a week this summer in the Adirondacks. Your child must be at least 12 to go. Contact them for more information if you're in the area. It's sooo hard for me to believe that they are having a hard time getting kids to go! I didn't know it, but I guess these Sportman's Clubs sponsor kids to go there. How nice is that?!! A free learning experience for your kids in the natural environment, very cool! If you don't live near to this area, or you live in another state, check out the clubs in your area!

Go see what works for others: click on the Works for me Wednesday to visit Shannon at Rocks in My Dryer and see all the other blogs participating!

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