Good's Country Market
Belfort Rd
Croghan, N.Y. 13327
(315) 346-6059
6525 Number 4 Road
Phone (315) 376-6253
Toll Free 1-800-453-MEAT
Sharp's Bulk Foods, located at 8220 State Route 289. Belleville, NY 13611. Phone number: (315) 846-5337
Located Near Adams, NY. Great Lakes Cheese Curd, NY 4 Yr Old Cheese, deli eats, cheeses, maple syrup, snack mixes, spices, candy, preserves, baked goods, cheesecakes, salads.
North Country Store
32660 Rt. 11 S
Philadelphia, NY
Martin’s Country Store
11828 US Hwy 11
North Lawrence, NY
Agape Shoppe
136 Court Street
Watertown, NY 13601
(315) 788-7470
Thrift shop
The Olde Country Market
6505 State Rte 5
Vernon, NY
Deli, bulk foods, maple syrup, snack mixes, spices, candy, preserves, baked goods, storage sheds.
89 Traders Village
6128 Rt. 89
Romulus, NY
Pine Ridge Grocery
4086 ST. Hwy 206
Bainbridge, NY 13733 607-967-5926
Breezy Acres Farm Market (seasonal outdoor market)
353 Grant Avenue
Auburn NY 13021
Monday-Saturday 8am to 6pm
Closed Sunday
Phone: 315-594-8485
Fabrics, yarn, notions, bulk foods, vegetables.
Glenwood Foods
2789 Rt. 318
Seneca Falls, NY
Sauder’s Market and Store
2168 River Rd.
Seneca Falls
(315) 568-2673
The Windmill Farm & Craft Market
3900 State Rte. 14A
Penn Yan, NY 14527
Many Mennonite vendors there.
Open April 28th through December 15th, 2007
Open Saturdays only 8 am to 4:30 pm
Oak Hill Bulk Foods, Inc.
3173 Route 14A
Penn Yan, NY
Hillcrest Bulk & Natural Foods
2901 Route 364
Penn Yan, NY 14527
(Thanks Elizabeth!)
Deli; Bulk Foods, Herbs and Tea; Organic and Natural Produce; Nutrition supplements and counseling.
Weaver-View Farms
1190 Earls Hill Rd.
Penn Yan, NY
The Quilt Room
1870 Hoyt Road
Penn Yan, NY 14527
Store Hours: 10 - 4:30 daily
Jan. - April Open only
Thur. , Fri. , and Saturday
Owner: Glenn & Naomi Lapp
Specializing in: Quilts, wall hangings, repairs.
Lantz's Bulk Foods
5673 State Route 20A East, Warsaw, NY 14569 585-786-3354
Yoder's Country Cupboard 10847 Waterbury Rd.
Lyndonville, NY 14098 (585) 765-3354 Bulk foods. Cheese, meat, spices, flour, nuts, candies and fresh baked goods. Closed Sundays.

Today's edition of Works for me Wednesday is themed to tell your favorite online shopping sites. One of my favorite places is Ten Thousand Villages, a program run by the Mennonite Central Committee dedicated to fair trade.
They sell lots of neat stuff, they ship really fast, and the money goes to help people in need. Just take a look at this neat pin, made of recycled cans and wire, by disabled artisans at Bombolulu Workshop in Mombasa, Kenya. I love stuff like this! Check out the clearance items too.

Now go visit Shannon at Rocks in My Dryer and see all the other blogs participating!

Today, I took a ride over to the Spring Lake Market on Wolcott-Spring Lake road across from Yates Rd. If you've never been there, it is run by Mennonites and it's definitely worth the drive.
One side (the yellow side) is all fabrics of all kinds, anything you could want. They also have some craft stuff, yarn, needles, notions, books, etc. The right side of the building is food. In the refrigerated part, they have all kinds of fresh vegetables and some other stuff. You have to watch the date on some of the packaged/boxed food though, as it can be outdated and the kind of stuff you would find at Buda's next to the Regional Market in Syracuse.
Some really good stuff can be found there, like homemade jams and jellies, and on Fridays they bring in homemade goodies like cakes, cookies, bread and pies. My favorite part of the store is the fabric side ( all kinds of neat material to make curtains out of) and the Friday baked goods. Today also, I picked up a lot of children's tights for only 50 cents a pair! Good deal!
The store has a play area for small kids too. They sell some of my favorite drinks too, the “Kutztown Sarsaparilla and Birch Beer” sodas. If you are looking for food in particular and more than just a small amount-I'd head over to Sauder's in Seneca Falls as their foods-bulk, fresh, and deli-can't be beat! (It's also a Mennonite store and quite large.) Or combine trips and hit up both of these stores in the same day. In between you can visit the Montezuma Refuge!
Phone: 315-594-8485
Fabrics, yarn, notions, bulk foods, vegetables.
Monday-Wednesday and Saturday 9am to 5pm
Thursday and Friday 9am to 8pm

Just found their online store and eBay listings. Of course the real store is much better and worth the trip! :)
The Mennonite Heritage Farm
Erie Canal Rd., Kirschnerville (east of Croghan). 315-346-1122. July-Aug, Thur-Sat, 10am-5pm. Donation. Three generations of the Moser family, who first arrived here in the early 1800s from Alsace-Lorraine, France, have lived in this farmstead. An array of farm buildings feature displays of artifacts, farm machines and implements, and information about the life of early Amish-Mennonite settlers in the Croghan area (1830-1900). A Worship room is set up in the front room of the farmhouse. Gift shop. Special Events:
Zwanzigstein Fest, July 7th, 2007.
Mennonite arts, crafts, demonstrations, tours, displays, various activities for children such as bread and cookie making, butter churning, spinning, petting zoo, taffy pull, games, horse and wagon rides and more. Menu: ham loaf dinner, hot dog and/or bratwurst with homemade sauerkraut, corn chowder soup, taco salad, Croghan bologna and cheese with homemade bread, potato salad, apple fritters, homemade pies and ice cream and strawberry shortcake. Cost: $4; children 5-12, $2.
Apple Festival. (still trying to find date for 2007)
Cider making, baking with apples, storytelling, kite flying.
Agape Shoppe
136 Court Street
Watertown, NY 13601
(315) 788-7470
Belfort Rd
Croghan, N.Y. 13327
(315) 346-6059
6525 Number 4 Road
Phone (315) 376-6253
Toll Free 1-800-453-MEAT
Sharp's Bulk Foods, located at 8220 State Route 289. Belleville, NY 13611. Phone number: (315) 846-5337
Located Near Adams, NY. Great Lakes Cheese Curd, NY 4 Yr Old Cheese, deli eats, cheeses, maple syrup, snack mixes, spices, candy, preserves, baked goods, cheesecakes, salads.
North Country Store
32660 Rt. 11 S
Philadelphia, NY
Martin’s Country Store
11828 US Hwy 11
North Lawrence, NY
Agape Shoppe
136 Court Street
Watertown, NY 13601
(315) 788-7470
Thrift shop
The Olde Country Market
6505 State Rte 5
Vernon, NY
Deli, bulk foods, maple syrup, snack mixes, spices, candy, preserves, baked goods, storage sheds.
89 Traders Village
6128 Rt. 89
Romulus, NY
Pine Ridge Grocery
4086 ST. Hwy 206
Bainbridge, NY 13733 607-967-5926
Breezy Acres Farm Market (seasonal outdoor market)
353 Grant Avenue
Auburn NY 13021
Monday-Saturday 8am to 6pm
Closed Sunday
Phone: 315-594-8485
Fabrics, yarn, notions, bulk foods, vegetables.
Glenwood Foods
2789 Rt. 318
Seneca Falls, NY
Sauder’s Market and Store
2168 River Rd.
Seneca Falls
(315) 568-2673
The Windmill Farm & Craft Market
3900 State Rte. 14A
Penn Yan, NY 14527
Many Mennonite vendors there.
Open April 28th through December 15th, 2007
Open Saturdays only 8 am to 4:30 pm
Oak Hill Bulk Foods, Inc.
3173 Route 14A
Penn Yan, NY
Hillcrest Bulk & Natural Foods
2901 Route 364
Penn Yan, NY 14527
(Thanks Elizabeth!)
Deli; Bulk Foods, Herbs and Tea; Organic and Natural Produce; Nutrition supplements and counseling.
Weaver-View Farms
1190 Earls Hill Rd.
Penn Yan, NY
The Quilt Room
1870 Hoyt Road
Penn Yan, NY 14527
Store Hours: 10 - 4:30 daily
Jan. - April Open only
Thur. , Fri. , and Saturday
Owner: Glenn & Naomi Lapp
Specializing in: Quilts, wall hangings, repairs.
Lantz's Bulk Foods
5673 State Route 20A East, Warsaw, NY 14569 585-786-3354
Yoder's Country Cupboard 10847 Waterbury Rd.
Lyndonville, NY 14098 (585) 765-3354 Bulk foods. Cheese, meat, spices, flour, nuts, candies and fresh baked goods. Closed Sundays.

Today's edition of Works for me Wednesday is themed to tell your favorite online shopping sites. One of my favorite places is Ten Thousand Villages, a program run by the Mennonite Central Committee dedicated to fair trade.
They sell lots of neat stuff, they ship really fast, and the money goes to help people in need. Just take a look at this neat pin, made of recycled cans and wire, by disabled artisans at Bombolulu Workshop in Mombasa, Kenya. I love stuff like this! Check out the clearance items too.

Now go visit Shannon at Rocks in My Dryer and see all the other blogs participating!

Today, I took a ride over to the Spring Lake Market on Wolcott-Spring Lake road across from Yates Rd. If you've never been there, it is run by Mennonites and it's definitely worth the drive.
One side (the yellow side) is all fabrics of all kinds, anything you could want. They also have some craft stuff, yarn, needles, notions, books, etc. The right side of the building is food. In the refrigerated part, they have all kinds of fresh vegetables and some other stuff. You have to watch the date on some of the packaged/boxed food though, as it can be outdated and the kind of stuff you would find at Buda's next to the Regional Market in Syracuse.
Some really good stuff can be found there, like homemade jams and jellies, and on Fridays they bring in homemade goodies like cakes, cookies, bread and pies. My favorite part of the store is the fabric side ( all kinds of neat material to make curtains out of) and the Friday baked goods. Today also, I picked up a lot of children's tights for only 50 cents a pair! Good deal!
The store has a play area for small kids too. They sell some of my favorite drinks too, the “Kutztown Sarsaparilla and Birch Beer” sodas. If you are looking for food in particular and more than just a small amount-I'd head over to Sauder's in Seneca Falls as their foods-bulk, fresh, and deli-can't be beat! (It's also a Mennonite store and quite large.) Or combine trips and hit up both of these stores in the same day. In between you can visit the Montezuma Refuge!
Phone: 315-594-8485
Fabrics, yarn, notions, bulk foods, vegetables.
Monday-Wednesday and Saturday 9am to 5pm
Thursday and Friday 9am to 8pm

Just found their online store and eBay listings. Of course the real store is much better and worth the trip! :)
The Mennonite Heritage Farm
Erie Canal Rd., Kirschnerville (east of Croghan). 315-346-1122. July-Aug, Thur-Sat, 10am-5pm. Donation. Three generations of the Moser family, who first arrived here in the early 1800s from Alsace-Lorraine, France, have lived in this farmstead. An array of farm buildings feature displays of artifacts, farm machines and implements, and information about the life of early Amish-Mennonite settlers in the Croghan area (1830-1900). A Worship room is set up in the front room of the farmhouse. Gift shop. Special Events:
Zwanzigstein Fest, July 7th, 2007.
Mennonite arts, crafts, demonstrations, tours, displays, various activities for children such as bread and cookie making, butter churning, spinning, petting zoo, taffy pull, games, horse and wagon rides and more. Menu: ham loaf dinner, hot dog and/or bratwurst with homemade sauerkraut, corn chowder soup, taco salad, Croghan bologna and cheese with homemade bread, potato salad, apple fritters, homemade pies and ice cream and strawberry shortcake. Cost: $4; children 5-12, $2.
Apple Festival. (still trying to find date for 2007)
Cider making, baking with apples, storytelling, kite flying.
Agape Shoppe
136 Court Street
Watertown, NY 13601
(315) 788-7470
Some of my favorite stores are run by Mennonites. There are several all over but they are kind of tough to find as they don’t advertise much like the big stores. These are just a few of them I go to now and then:
Glenwood Foods 2789 Rt. 318 Seneca Falls, NY (just off Rts. 5&20 about a mile or so north of Rt. 90.) Not sure of the hours, but I know they are closed on Sundays. (lol) They have mostly all food, -discounted, fresh veggies and fruits, a meat and cheese deli, walk in cooler for dairy products, few books and toys and odds and ends. Definitely worth the trip.
(BTW, if you turn on Rt. 89 the road right next to Rt. 318, and go down a couple miles you will be in the Montezuma Refuge)
Down the road a few miles is:

Sauder’s Market and Store at 2168 River Rd. Seneca Falls (315) 568-2673(continue on 5&20 through to stoplight where 5&20 goes right onto Main St. but don’t go right, go straight over the bridge, turn right on River Rd. and follow out of town to Sauder’s Market on your left. A few years ago they expanded their store and now it’s pretty big! They have a lot of books, maps, bulk foods, deli, fresh baked goods, fruits and veggies, and outdoors they have a lot of wooden handmade playhouses, storage sheds, porch swings, etc. On Fridays they have a farmer’s market there. (in the summer) My favorite card game is sold there: Dutch Blitz Definitely worth going to.
This is a link to see other things in the area to do too.
You can drive down several roads in this area and find roadside stands from the Amish. Watch out for those horse and buggies.
SPRING LAKE FABRICS4250 WOLCOTT SPRING LAKE RD.SAVANNAH, NY13146 Phone: 315-594-8485 (Rt. 38 to Conquest, East on Fuller Rd to Wolcott-Springlake Rd, follow signs) This store has half a store of fabrics of all kinds and yarns and other notions, and the other side has bulk foods, fresh fruits and veggies, dairy cooler, meats and cheeses and some frozen items. Definitely worth a trip. Has a play area for small kids too. They sell some of my favorite drinks too, the “Kutztown Sarsaparilla and Birch Beer” sodas.
There are other stores around the state too, but right now I don’t have the addresses. If anyone has any information on any others, please let me know.
A favorite online shopping site is Ten Thousand Villages. Their things are always nicely packaged and arrive quickly. The clearance page has some good bargains too.
More information on Mennonites can be found on this FAQ page.
Also, visit the NYS Regional Market in Syracuse, NY on Saturdays from 7 am to 2 pm for baked goods there from Mennonites and Amish vendors. Be sure to visit Buda’s (on the side of the Regional Market) while you are there too for some great deals on food and fresh vegetables.
Glenwood Foods 2789 Rt. 318 Seneca Falls, NY (just off Rts. 5&20 about a mile or so north of Rt. 90.) Not sure of the hours, but I know they are closed on Sundays. (lol) They have mostly all food, -discounted, fresh veggies and fruits, a meat and cheese deli, walk in cooler for dairy products, few books and toys and odds and ends. Definitely worth the trip.
(BTW, if you turn on Rt. 89 the road right next to Rt. 318, and go down a couple miles you will be in the Montezuma Refuge)
Down the road a few miles is:
Sauder’s Market and Store at 2168 River Rd. Seneca Falls (315) 568-2673(continue on 5&20 through to stoplight where 5&20 goes right onto Main St. but don’t go right, go straight over the bridge, turn right on River Rd. and follow out of town to Sauder’s Market on your left. A few years ago they expanded their store and now it’s pretty big! They have a lot of books, maps, bulk foods, deli, fresh baked goods, fruits and veggies, and outdoors they have a lot of wooden handmade playhouses, storage sheds, porch swings, etc. On Fridays they have a farmer’s market there. (in the summer) My favorite card game is sold there: Dutch Blitz Definitely worth going to.
This is a link to see other things in the area to do too.
You can drive down several roads in this area and find roadside stands from the Amish. Watch out for those horse and buggies.
SPRING LAKE FABRICS4250 WOLCOTT SPRING LAKE RD.SAVANNAH, NY13146 Phone: 315-594-8485 (Rt. 38 to Conquest, East on Fuller Rd to Wolcott-Springlake Rd, follow signs) This store has half a store of fabrics of all kinds and yarns and other notions, and the other side has bulk foods, fresh fruits and veggies, dairy cooler, meats and cheeses and some frozen items. Definitely worth a trip. Has a play area for small kids too. They sell some of my favorite drinks too, the “Kutztown Sarsaparilla and Birch Beer” sodas.
There are other stores around the state too, but right now I don’t have the addresses. If anyone has any information on any others, please let me know.
A favorite online shopping site is Ten Thousand Villages. Their things are always nicely packaged and arrive quickly. The clearance page has some good bargains too.
More information on Mennonites can be found on this FAQ page.
Also, visit the NYS Regional Market in Syracuse, NY on Saturdays from 7 am to 2 pm for baked goods there from Mennonites and Amish vendors. Be sure to visit Buda’s (on the side of the Regional Market) while you are there too for some great deals on food and fresh vegetables.